Dental and Beyond 972-437-0200


Daily flossing is extremely important and valuable, but only if the correct technique is used. Here is the most common mistake we see (picture on the left). The correct way to do it is on the right! Ask any of our staff to show you how.

Wrong Floss
Wrong technique
Correct Floss
Correct technique


What happened to this poor patient’s teeth? He brushed daily, but he did not just brush his teeth: he brushed away his teeth with his hard-bristle toothbrush! (Who still sells those things and why?!)

Instead, use a gentle circular motion with a soft-bristle brush angled 45 degrees toward the gums. Ask any of our staff to show you how.

Brush Damage
Years of high-pressure, incorrect back and forth scrubbing

  Substance Abuse

This patient had nice teeth not long before these photos. However, she then abused methamphetamine for a period of time. Illicit substances can damage your teeth permanently like this!

This patient was kind enough to share her experience with us so that others may learn from it.

Meth Teeth Right
Right view
Meth Teeth Front
Front view
Meth Teeth Left
Left view

  Root Resorption

This extracted tooth shows evidence of longstanding root resorption. Detecting problems like this is one reason why routine X-rays are important.

Having routine X-rays could have prevented this tooth from being lost, because rotting out of the root is not always apparent except on basic X-ray imaging.

Resorption Front
Front view of resorbed root
Resorption Side
Side view of pulled tooth
Resorption Before
Initial X-ray shows root resorption (1) and periodontitis (gum disease) with bone loss caused by tartar (3)
Resorption After
Advanced root resorption (2) two years later (after declining treatment!), with tissue damage and loss of tooth support (4)

  Tooth Loss due to Tartar

Another example shows why it is important to have routine dental care and not neglect simple things like cleaning! These teeth do not have any cavities at all. The root of these teeth accumulated so much tartar and pus, which have eaten away at the bone supporting the tooth.

A diseased tooth like this will fall out by itself over time. This could have been easily prevented by routine cleaning and check-ups.

Tartar Teeth
A tooth with no cavities can still be lost due to uncontrolled tartar build-up

  Denture Care

Dentures must also be properly maintained. This patient came in with old dentures that were chipped (including missing teeth). More importantly, there was significant mold overgrowth.

Please don’t let dentures deteriorate to such poor shape. Check with us to ask how dentures should be cared for correctly.

Dirty Denture Bottom
Bottom surface
Dirty Denture Top
Top surface